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5 Reasons to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

5 Reasons to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

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Experiencing a car accident is stressful. Not only are you likely dealing with expensive damage, but you may also have injuries that are causing you significant pain. 

According to the New York State Department of Health, there are an average of 6,000 vehicle occupant hospitalizations from car crashes in NYC annually. With these significant figures, visiting a chiropractor after a car accident could be key for a full recovery. Understanding the benefits of chiropractic care helps demonstrate the importance of seeking these professionals immediately.

Do you need help finding a top-rated chiropractor in New York? At Injured Call Today, we offer a directory of medical professionals to serve your recovery needs. Call today to find appropriate medical attention within your network.

What Is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive treatment that addresses issues with your musculoskeletal system. This treatment provides relief for various issues, from common injuries and neck pain to more traumatic accident injuries.

Using just their hands and some additional diagnostic tools, chiropractors make musculoskeletal adjustments aimed at improving immune system function and healing. A chiropractic treatment plan can help you avoid surgical procedures and improve long-term pain. 

Finding a car accident chiropractor near me can provide major benefits

What Tools and Diagnostics Do Chiropractors Use to Treat Your Accident Injuries?

Chiropractic professionals identify and diagnose your issues to provide pertinent care. While the nature of chiropractic treatment is non-invasive, it’s still crucial for chiropractors to get an inside look at what might be happening within your body. Therefore, they utilize medical imaging technologies and nerve tests for diagnosis.

Tools chiropractors use to diagnose problems include:

  • MRI
  • X-rays
  • EMG
  • CT scans
  • Nerve conduction studies

Who Can Provide Chiropractic Treatment?

According to New York Health Careers, anyone who qualifies as a professional chiropractor went through at least seven to eight years of school. Aspiring chiropractors must obtain a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), and some even get additional Master’s degrees. Any well-practiced professional will engage in continuing education courses throughout their professional life.

Possible Injuries From a Car Accident

Car accidents can cause several injuries that could benefit from chiropractic care, such as:

  • Whiplash
  • Broken bones, fractures, and sprains
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Herniated or bulging discs
  • Head trauma leading to chronic headaches

Five Reasons to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

The following factors are five key benefits of visiting a chiropractor after a car accident

1. Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is your body’s response to physical trauma. However, this inflammation is also one of the leading causes of pain in the time after a car accident injury. 

Receiving chiropractic care immediately following an accident is an excellent way to reduce inflammation. Realignment and adjustments performed by chiropractic professionals heal your body more efficiently and less painfully.

2. Eliminate the Need for Pain Meds

If you visit the doctor or emergency room after receiving a traumatic car accident injury, they’ll likely give you opioid pain meds. While these strong medications can provide substantial relief, they are also risky substances. In fact, the Mayo Clinic notes that about 33% of patients prescribed these medications will abuse them, with over 10% becoming addicted long-term.

Chiropractic care is one of the best ways to avoid needing these medications. With pain reduction made possible through non-invasive measures, chiropractic care mitigates the risks that these substances take hold of your life.

3. Increase Mobility

One of the primary reasons to see a chiropractor after a car accident is to increase your mobility. With injuries like whiplash and muscle pain, your range of motion may become extremely limited. Chiropractors perform realignments that reduce pain and increase mobility.

4. Limit Scar Tissue and Reduce Future Pain

When inflammation goes down, your muscles may develop scar tissue. Scar tissue is one of the leading causes of long-term pain for car accident patients. Chiropractic care can help reduce the creation of scar tissue to help you avoid extreme long-term pain.

5. Avoid Invasive Treatment Solutions

Invasive treatment solutions like surgery can prolong your recovery period and create issues with continuing your work. By engaging in a chiropractic treatment plan, you might be able to avoid these procedures. Since you could see results after only a few sessions, starting your treatment with chiropractic professionals may be your best option.

FAQs About Seeing a Chiropractor After a Car Accident

Below are some frequently asked questions that Injured Call Today patients ask when looking for a chiropractor in NYC.

Is It Good to See a Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

Yes, seeing a chiropractor after a car accident can provide many comprehensive benefits to your pain and recovery time. Seeking this care immediately gives you the best chance at making a full recovery.

How Often Should You Go to the Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

The frequency of your chiropractor visits after a car accident will depend on the severity of your injuries, types of problems, and treatment plan. For more severe injuries, it might be necessary to visit the chiropractor three to five times a week. As your condition improves, these visits will reduce and hopefully change to only occasional check-ins.

What Is the Most Common Reason Someone Would Seek out the Care of a Chiropractor?

The most common reasons people seek chiropractic care are chronic forms of pain like neck, back, and joint pain or headaches, as well as traumatic injuries after a car or work-related accident. These causes make chiropractors useful for many different patients.

Find a Top-Rated Chiropractor in NYC with Injured Call Today

Top-Rated Chiropractor in NYC

Doctors in our directory accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, no-fault, and PIP (personal injury protection). Same-day appointments may be available.

For more information about seeing a chiropractor after a car accident, call (800) 897-8440 and find a top-rated chiropractor in NYC with Injured Call Today!

Find treatment for your hidden injuries after an auto accident to capitalize on your recovery process using our directory.